25 Carols. 50 Chord Charts.
This chordbook contains 25 original arrangements of classic Christmas carols from "The Soul Felt Its Worth: A 25 Day Devotional Journey Through the Music of Christmas” audiobook and album.
Each song includes two chord charts, one in the key recorded on the album, and the other in an alternate key. The alternate key is better suited for guitar and can be played in the recorded key using a capo. For songs which the recorded key is already well suited for guitar, the alternate key will be a key suited for a different vocal range.
25 Christmas lyric videos ready for your worship services
Reawaken Hymns lyric videos are perfect for the small church or church plant who finds themselves without a worship leader or needs to host services online. Each video is 1080p HD and compatible with most worship presentation software and video editors.

Read. Listen. Lead.
The Soul Felt Its Worth Worship Leader Pack features all new modern arrangements and recordings of these incredible songs that have stood the test of time, while staying true to the original versions. Inside, you’ll find chord charts and instrumental tracks for 25 Christmas favorites, plus the full "The Soul Felt Its Worth" Christmas album and an e-book devotional by Cameron Frank and Preston Norman included as a way to study and grow through the spiritual and historical context of the beloved seasonal hymns we sing each year.