All the energy and emotional impact of modern worship, all the theological depth and intentionality of classic hymns.
Reawaken Hymns outfits churches of every size to develop intentional, accessible, gospel centered worship that overcomes divisions and differences.
It is a unique experience for a worship song to be both fresh and instantly singable by nearly everyone in the room. The hymns provide a wonderful shared connection between those of different ages, different church backgrounds, different worship styles, and different cultures singing together the gospel of Christ.
Many hymns sound surprisingly relevant in today’s worship. They can bring a depth of theology to the younger generations and a familiar connection for the older generations. A unique blend of tradition and progression. Reawaken Hymns provides resources to incorporate hymns as a natural part of your modern worship service. These arrangements are true to the original hymn and unabashedly modern at the same time.
It's hymns like you’ve never heard them before…exactly like you’ve heard them before.

Our Story
In 2015, Nathan Drake was serving as a worship leader in a small multi-generational church in St. Louis. In an effort to create a worship experience accessible to everyone he began to introduce classic hymns, but found it difficult to find arrangements that were both fully modern and true to the original song.
He began writing his own arrangements for the church and sharing them on YouTube for others to use. As more churches started utilizing the arrangements, Nathan created Reawaken Hymns to help churches develop intentional, accessible, gospel centered worship. Eight years later Reawaken Hymns reaches millions of people every year and has been used by thousands of churches around the world. ​
Use of Hymns
All arrangements and recordings from Reawaken Hymns are the copyright of Nathan Drake. Reawaken Hymns arrangements, including chords charts, videos, and audio may be freely used by churches and individuals for worship. For any other non-commercial use, please contact me for permission. Commercial use forbidden without written consent. For more information see the FAQ

"I am so impressed with the sound you have created. Every song has an energy of worship! I have felt God's presence come alive in my life more since listening to the album. Thank you for that and for allowing me to be a part of this beautiful project!"
- Faith R.
"Nathan, the work you do has had a massive impact on this writer as well as the church I attend. You've exposed us to hymns we would have never sung but are now learning. Thank you for your ministry and help." - James A.
”A sincere thank you for all your work and ministry. As a Navy Chaplain who lacks any musical talents, and is regularly leading worship services during extended at-sea exercises and deployments, your hymn videos have been a gift to me and the Sailors Christ has called me to serve. The hymns are timeless, reverent, and in a word, well-done. Brother, thank you.”
- Keith L.
“Your ministry has changed my worship leader approach to these songs [hymns]. They used to intimidate me and what you have done is a huge gift to many people.”
- James H.