{title:O Come All Ye Faithful} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:G} {comment:Intro/Interludes} [G] {comment:Verse 1} O [G]come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant.  O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.  [G]Come and be[C]hold Him, [G]Born the King of a[D]ngels. {comment:Chorus 1} O [G]come let us adore Him,               O come let us adore Him,  O [C]come let us a[D]dore Him, [C]Chr[D]ist the [G]Lord. {comment:Verse 2} [G]Sing, choirs of a[D/F#]ngels, [G/E]Sing in exul[C]tation, [Em]Sing, all ye [D/F#]citizens of [D]heaven above;  [G]Glory to [C]God, all  [G]Glory in the [D/F#]highest. {comment:Verse 3} [G]Yea, Lord, we g[D]reet Thee, [G]Born this happy m[C]orning; [Em]Jesus, to T[D]hee be all glory given. [G]Word of the [C/A]Father, [G/B]Now in flesh a[D]ppearing.